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Monday, 2 April 2012

Mot updates

The new MOT rules were due at the beginning of April 2012 but are still yet to be confirmed. Speaking to Colin at VOSA he says it is due any day now, but a date is still yet to be announced. Take advantage of the extra time given to you. Once the new items are classed as part of the test, your vehicle will need to conform to these new set of rules. The vehicle can be presented for an MOT test upto 30 days before the current one expires, check your current certificate for the exact date.

The MOT test is compulsory on any vehicle which reaches 3 years old or more, and then every year there after. This test is a routine which contains over 150 checks on your vehicle, cars, vans, and motorbikes are all tested.

The mot test is the minimum safety standard that your vehicle should be in, if your vehicle is serviced regularly and any problems resolved it should always pass the basic MOT test.

10) NEW
3) MOT

A new vehicle coming out of a show room will have a safety standard of 10, when your vehicle is serviced the safety standard of 7 will be achieved, when your vehicle is MOTed the minimum safety standard will be only 3 and when your vehicle becomes at the end of its life ready for scrap it will be zero, as you can see that the MOT is the basic minimum safety standard and should not be susbstituted for your regular servicing.

Your vehicle's pass certificate relates only to the condition of the components examined at the time of the test. Not the whole vehicle is tested and it does not guarantee the safety for the whole year.

It does not confirm the vehicle will remain roadworthy for the validity of the certificate.

Any advisory items that are brought to your attention should be resolve to keep the vehicle at the MOT standard and not falling below during the MOT certificate validity.

Checking your lights, wiper blades, tyres, tyre pressures and oil level weekly will help ensure that your vehicle will stay safe and legal.

With the new EU directive coming into play in April/May with a much stricter MOT process will this mean safer roads for Britian. For the complete list on what is new to the MOT check out what is an Mot page at

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